Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Usual.

Hello dear reader. This is fresh post after a long long time back , considering how exams wrapped 13 days ago. That equals holidayay! No no, this is not a post to tell you about my sights of Milanello or Paris or Redang. But still, lazy homey joe here thinks its boleh laa. I've been lounging around at home spending time with the guitar but just like the Inner Light, the more one knows, the less one really knows. Playing GTA Vice City is also nice. Around form 1 and 2 i was like totally into video games and stuff, then i lost interest. Just going back to the old groove and running and gunning is pretty fun. Definitely not as interested though. Casual gaming only. Playing futsal with the guys is always No.1 tho, just as long as people don't get too competitive and must-win. Chill Martin, we can always score again! The three Amigos at LimKokWing seems to have gone AWOL, so i'm gonna take a drive up there with Arvin and Dan real soon. And meeting up with college people should be fun, but Margie is now Teacher Margie so unless she kidnaps the whole class along ala Babel, its susah.

With all that said, I need a job! I want to work in F'n'B places so I went over to Wendy's and applied. Talk talk and the supervisor said i fitted well. EXCEPT when this came...

She : "You boleh potong rambut sikit tak? Panjang la dik."

Me : "Emm. Takpelah camtu. Thanks."

Hoho! That being said, the whole category is toast. Retail should do it! Karen said how even that's gonna be hard, especially the clean cut stores like Esprit and all the fratboy brands, Too true! If only Y and M was around here. Then i truly believe in the product that's being sold woot woot! "Attack of Literacy", and that yellow one with a pretty girl holding a Les Paul, all for RM20, now thats fashion, Guillermo.

Last Friday i got to see Suyin again, and thats always a "where you wanna go now" script exercise. I feel bad for my lameness and other glaring weaknesses :P
But still! Emotionally, alot of things go on during these meetings yeah? Lol.

I'm also thinking of ditching my plan of reading Law. Now thats bloody monumental! Will need lotsa time for that though. And i leave you with my form five picture of the whole moral projecy thing. Its not the official picture submitted, mind! But looking back and the dumby specs and the crappyor hair, and the "lucky" white tshirt tucked inside, ready to be deployed anytime for the bottlecap sessions.. I like how i look now? xD


Margaret Lau said...

Teacher MargY(dont u think margy sounds better than margie altho they sound the same)is here. Saya pun nak minum wif u. hopefully we can make it on the saturdays. and pls cut yr hair for money sake. go n work. u just give up like that? ergghhh!

Adrian Calvin Cheong Qai CKing said...

But your blog url is margy! And dey how can something sound better than something else if they sound the same right? xD But yalaa yalaa i get what you mean.

I see it like meeting a cute dude, in your female perspective. Imagine you really like him and then he says that like yeah, you may be suitable for him, but only if you dress in a different way or something. Its like what the..! Even if you do dress the way he wants to, its like, he doesn't really accept you and may in the future ask you to make more changes and all. Ish, so no respect man!

But at the same time i understand the fact that food and drink outlets worry that it gets into the food and all, so this is actually not the same thing as this whole boy thing ("although they sound the same" -.-) Blugrh, not worth it laa. I'll keep looking. Looking for 'rainbow'-minded store managers :)

You have read crap. Sorry i'm bored and lame-brained xD